Non-Executive Director Vacancies x 2 – Savvi Credit Union

Non-Executive Director Vacancies x 2 – Savvi Credit Union


Savvi Credit Union invites applications from suitably qualified candidates who would be interested in volunteering as a non-executive director (‘director’) on the board of the Credit Union. Two such vacancies now exist at Savvi.

Savvi Credit Union is owned by all its members. The membership of the credit union elects a volunteer board of directors. Elections take place at our annual general meeting in December each year with applications invited in the months leading up to that meeting. Board members are initially elected for a three-year term. Voting is conducted by secret ballot at the next annual general meeting of the Credit Union which will be held on 13 December 2024. However, it is our intention to ask the potential new directors to join the board of Savvi now in a casual vacancy capacity and then go forward for formal election at our AGM in December.

In accordance with legislation the role carries no remuneration, but all reasonable out of pocket expenses are reimbursed.

Role requirements

You must be a member of Savvi Credit Union or be qualified to become a member. As part of the Fitness and Probity requirements of the Central Bank of Ireland, all directors must be (i) competent and capable (ii) honest, ethical and act with integrity, and (iii) financially sound.

It should be noted that the Credit Union Act 1997 as amended sets out non-eligibility criteria for the role of Director and this can be accessed at Non-Eligibility Criteria (PDF Download).

Time Commitment

The role of a credit union director involves a considerable time commitment. There are a minimum of 6 board meetings per year of 2 to 3 hours’ duration. These meetings are generally held on the last Wednesday of each month commencing at 5.30pm with video conferencing facilities available. One to two hours is also required for advance reading of board packs depending on agenda. Committee meetings usually take 1.5 hours minimum, again depending on agenda, and take place circa a minimum of 4 times per year. In addition, directors are required by legislation to complete certain educational programmes and ongoing training and development.

Next Steps

You can find out more about the role of a director with Savvi Credit Union by reading our specific requirements as outlined in the Director Role Profile which you will find at Role Profile (PDF Download). You can also read about Savvi as per our Annual Report & Accounts for year ended 30.09.2023 which you will find on this website.

Submission Instructions

If you feel you match the criteria as contained in the Role Profile, and have the time available to carry out the role of director, then simply complete the Application Form which you will find at Application Form (PDF Download), attach your CV and forward both via email to

Closing date for applications is 31st August 2024. Interviews will be conducted in early September 2024

If you have any questions in relation to your application, please email and we will be delighted to give whatever assistance you may need.

Nomination Committee
Savvi Credit Union

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